New type of transparent or plain white mannequins with interior lightning

White colored mannequins are commonly used for exhibiting apparel as well as accessories like watches, jewelery and the like. These mannequins are among the best in providing elegance to those nearly any kind of goods on display. The usually matte finish of these mannequins add a good soft impression to them. Usually produced from polyester resin, they are light in weight as well as durable and easy to maintain. Having these mannequins usually gives an advanced look to any display window without drawing off the attention from the displayed goods at the same time.

Interestingly, a new type of mannequins with some special features seem to emerge lately as well. One special feature that we found especially interesting was those of a series of white and translucent mannequins. The special feature in these special white colored mannequins is that they come with an internal lighting source with different shade lamps. With this feature you can arrange mannequins with different colors through colored lamps in it. In our opinion, this interior light feature is well suited for promoting and displaying outdoor apparel and succeeds well in attracting people, as the alluring inner glow will definitely be a sight to watch. Although costly the attractiveness a displays window gains through them would be enormous for sure.

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