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Stylish paper wigs on plain white mannequins

Mannequins usually come with bald heads. In order to give them a realistic appearance, they are often arranged with wigs made from synthetic hair. Now, the exclusive high-end boutiques of Jeffrey in New York and Atlanta tried an innovative new approach by using fashionable white wigs solely made from paper on plain white mannequins that are mimicing real hairstyles, resulting in a very interesting retail display. An impression of these paper wigs created by the american designers Amy Flurry and Nikki Salk can be seen at the links at the end of this article.

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How efficient shop design in department stores helps increasing turnover

Well done visual merchandising and shopfitting is always an important foundation of any retail premise. Obviously, this is needed to convert the available retail space into something that is unique and supportive towards the purchase decision of your customers. Effective shop design has to take into account the products to be sold and the type of retail enterprise in question, respective what unique selling proposition is strived for: concentrating on low price and competing in this dimension or concentrating on higher price and compensating this with better or improved shopfitting and store design (amongst other criterias) and resulting in a better shopping experience for the customer.


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Some examples for catchy presentation of fashion

A catchy presentation of fashion is extremely important to provide the customer with an exact feel about that particular piece of apparel through an appropriate display. A prospective buyer can be attracted this way, that’s why mannequin displays are of significant help in creating demand for the product and in selling the product. Also, constant changes in a display window design will often create even more interest to visit a shop. Some ideas on how to present fashion using can mannequins be taken from the following pictures.

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Street price of mannequins in China getting increasingly expensive

mannequins china

It is no secret that a large percentage of mannequins are sourced in China nowadays. Because of the relatively low wages in china, chinese manufacturers and exporters of mannequins were able to offer their mannequins at extremely low prices for an extended period of time. Despite the sometimes questionable quality of these display dummies, their competetive price was the reason these mannequins sold relatively well in the european and american markets.

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Bicycle racks as advertising medium

support pour bicyclettes avec promotion

If you wish to combine effective outdoor advertising with an additional benefit for your customers, you may want to consider the acquisition of a bicycle rack. The advantages of a bicycle rack with added advertisement are the possibility for customers to park their bicycle and that passers-by can be shown the way into your store. Bicycle racks are usually available in standardised size and can be equiped with a billboard or individualized advertisements and markings.

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